It's time to get the publicity you've always wanted
I want to work with creative business owners who have experienced a few challenges when trying to gain more exposure for their brand:
Does this sound like you?
You've research press releases, media pitches, etc and you're feeling overwhelmed.
Let's be honest. You don't have the time to research media contacts and then reach out to them.
You're uncomfortable at pitching yourself to the media because you're not sure what makes you stand out.
If this sounds like you, scroll down to the next section to learn more about XYZ. If not, I have a few options for you to assist you with getting press for your brand.
Publicity Services Overview
Done for You PR
Do you have a special project (product launch, book signing, etc,) that needs to garner the right publicity? Hire my team and I as a publicist to secure the press you need.
PR Templates
You're great at building relationships for your brand, but you just need the right words. These ready made templates will give you everything you need.
PR Consulting
You have a business, but what good is it if no one knows about it? You're not sure how to develop public relations strategy and need a PR pro's expertise & guidance.
I've worked with some amazing business owners in the past that have amazing stories and businesses, but they had no idea how to approach the media to share their awesomeness. As an entrepreneur you wear many hats and you often forget what's special about your brand. Here's a secret I want to share with you about the media. You don't have to be a celebrity to get the press to pay attention to you. Getting PR for your business is all in the art of the pitch. If you have a press worthy story the media will cover it.
I want to help entrepreneurs that are doing great things have the opportunity to shine. By working with an experienced publicist, your brand will move out of the shadows and into the limelight.
So How Does This Work?
The Press Worthy Package is a 3-6-month commitment (length depends on the scope of the project) that is one of my most popular service options for business owners who need to tap into my PR expertise for big-picture projects, ongoing projects, launches, campaigns, events and media opportunities.
I’ll do the following, during this 6 month experience…
Month 1: Building the Foundation
I fully immerse myself in your brand to understand your company, your goals and identify opportunities for you to positioning, increasing sales, reaching key audiences and stimulating more chatter about your brand. This paves the way for the creative strategies I’ll employ in the coming months.
Kick-off Meeting to understand your business and set goals for our collaboration.
Brief Communications Audit of your website, social media platforms and all marketing materials with recommendations for improvements
Identification of key strategies to meet your goals which could include any combination of the following: media outreach, influencer collaborations, an event, and/or a partnership with another brand.
Month 2-6: The Magic Happens
This is where the magic starts. I get to work executing your selected PR Strategies, which could include pitching media about your brand, coordinating an influencer collaboration, planning an event, or creating a unique partnership with another brand.
PR Strategies executed by my team
Regular updates via email or phone
Ongoing Consulting support
*Month 6 Bonus: Evaluating and Looking Ahead
We evaluate all of the progress made from our first five months of working together and craft a plan for carrying the momentum forward.
Wrapping Up. My team will wrap-up any remaining aspects of the PR projects from the previous three months. I promise not to leave any loose threads!
PR Summary - We’ll compile the results of each PR Strategy and provide recommendations for the future. This summary could include media clippings, changes in website traffic, sales, brand awareness and social media engagement, so you can make informed decisions on your PR and marketing tactics moving forward.